Folders are not the only tool you have in Keepd to help keep your Storage organized.
You can rename any folder or file in your storage to help keep things organized and sorted the way you want.
Renaming folders and files is quick and easy. Lets take a look at how to rename things in your storage in Keepd.
Renaming folders & files on Web/Desktop
Renaming Folders
To rename a folder, find and select it in storage. Then right click the folder and select the ‘Rename’ option

Enter a new name for the folder and press ‘OK’ to rename the folder

Renaming Files
To rename a file, find and select it in storage. Then right click the file and select the ‘Rename’ option

Enter a new name for the file and press ‘OK’ to rename the file

Renaming folders & files on Mobile
Renaming Folders
To rename a folder, find the folder in storage, then click the ‘options’ button and choose the ‘Rename’ option

Enter a new name for the folder and press ‘Rename’ to rename the folder

Renaming Folders
To rename a file, find the file in storage, then click the ‘options’ button and choose the ‘Rename’ option

Enter a new name for the file and press ‘Rename’ to rename the file