How to bulk upload emails from linked email

How to bulk upload emails to Keepd from a linked email address

Updated on January 20th, 2025

Once you've added a linked email to your Keepd account you can enable uploads. Uploads allows you to pull the emails you want from your linked email account into your Keepd account where they'll be organized and secure, without spam.

All you need to do is enable the upload feature, choose the contact you want the old emails and we take care of the rest. We'll pull all your emails with the contact and store them in your Keepd account, organized, secure and without spam.

Lets take a look at the steps to uploading emails from linked emails.



Uploading emails from a linked email on Web/Desktop

Open the user menu on the top bar


Select the ‘Linked Emails’ option from the user menu



Enabling Uploads from an Outlook linked email address

On the ‘Linked Emails’ page, click either the ‘Disabled’ or ‘Manage’ icon besides the outlook email address you'd like to enable uploads for 


Select the ‘Enable’ option on the manage Linked Email page


Select the ‘Grant Access’ button to all Keepd access to your email address. 

N.B. In the next step you'll need to sign into your outlook account (if you are not already signed in) so make sure you've got your account details to hand


When prompted select the ‘Accept’ to allow Keepd access to upload your emails


Once you have accepted Keepd's access you'll see a page letting you know your emails are ready to be uploaded. 

You can now head back to your Keepd account to complete the final step in setting up your email uploads: setting up your upload rules 


In your Keepd account you'll now see the option to ‘+ Add new rule’ under your linked email address. Click the ‘+ Add new rule’ to set up a rule


In the ‘+ Add new rule’ window, enter the email address of the contact who's emails you'd like to upload to your Keepd account. Then choose whether to upload ‘Just the one-to-one emails’ between yourself and that contact or ‘All emails with this contact’. Then press ‘Add’


You'll now see the rule has been added. Keepd will now upload all the existing emails from your linked email address that match that rule. Along with the existing emails, any new/future emails that match that rule will also be uploaded to your Keepd account.

N.B. The upload process may take sometime to complete depending on the number of emails that need to be uploaded. We'll do this upload process in the background until it is complete. Don't worry, logging out of your Keepd account won't affect the process!



Enabling Uploads from a Gmail linked email address

On the ‘Linked Emails’ page, click either the ‘Disabled’ or ‘Manage’ icon besides the Gmail email address you'd like to enable uploads for


Select the ‘Enable’ option on the manage Linked Email page


Select the Google App Password link in the ‘Enable bulk uploads’ window 

N.B. In the next step you'll need to sign into your Gmail account (if you are not already signed in) so make sure you've got your account details to hand


Enter ‘Keepd’ as the App name and press ‘Create’


Copy the Google App Password from the ‘Generated app password’ window 

N.B. Once you press ‘Done’ you'll be unable to get the generated password again. We'd suggest copying the password and entering it into Keepd BEFORE pressing ‘Done’


Enter the password into to the password field on the ‘Enable bulk uploads’ window in Keepd and then press ‘Add’ 


In your Keepd account you'll now see the option to ‘+ Add new rule’ under your linked email address. Click the ‘+ Add new rule’ to set up a rule


In the ‘+ Add new rule’ window, enter the email address of the contact who's emails you'd like to upload to your Keepd account. Then choose whether to upload ‘Just the one-to-one emails’ between yourself and that contact or ‘All emails with this contact’. Then press ‘Add’


You'll now see the rule has been added. Keepd will now upload all the existing emails from your linked email address that match that rule. Along with the existing emails, any new/future emails that match that rule will also be uploaded to your Keepd account.

N.B. The upload process may take sometime to complete depending on the number of emails that need to be uploaded. We'll do this upload process in the background until it is complete. Don't worry, logging out of your Keepd account won't affect the process!